You claim yoga originated in India. I'm curious how this fits with the new yoga theology fashioned out of CRT that states yoga originated in Egypt thousands of years before it was gifted to India and that to not accept this new biography is racist and harm causing. One might choose to make the argument that modern yoga, in its contemporary globalized form is the predominant culture of white women, would it then be appropriation by other cultures which take it and do whatever they choose to it? It's a bit rich to celebrate yoga's success as a truly globalized story and at the same time shit all over the very commodification and capitalist infrastructure that actually facilitated it becoming so visible. You might as throw the yoga mat out with the yoginī... This is especially so when efforts are made to reclaim some re-imagined yogic past that never really existed apart from a romantic sentiment. The so-called yogis were throughout the middle ages and early modern period running mercantile centers, had standing armies, pillaged the pilgrimage routes, centers, and pilgrims, lent money, and more or less caused chaos, for the pursuit of this worldy power and profit...yet the so-called decolonizers of yoga omit all the blemishes to yoga's biography and reconstitute the orientalist-imagined and colonially constructed ideas of an eternal, unchanging, "yoga tradition." This isn't decolonizing. It's just fluffing up the pillow to lay down on the same yoga mat...